BMW 5 Series E39

since 1996-2001 release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Introduction
+ Maintenance instruction
- Current leaving and service
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   Current leaving
   General information on control
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them
   Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and SO level
   Replacement of an element of the air filter
   Replacement of the filter of air of salon
   Check of the brake system
   Visual control of the bottom and elements of a body
   Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
   Wheels and tires. Rotation, replacement, balancing and leaving. Snow chains. Sekretka of wheels. Elimination of trembling of a wheel
   Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment
   Check of a condition of driving belts
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging. Replacement of a battery DU brelka
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of functioning of fuel system. Winter operation of the Diesel
   Check of functioning of the cooling system
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Lubricant of locking devices
   Visual check of seat belts
   Check of a state and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Replacement of brake fluid
   Cooling system liquid replacement. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of the cooling system
   Removal of a sediment, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine
   Replacement of gearbox oil of a manual box of gear shifting
   Replacement of lubricant liquid of differential
   Check of thickness of the conducted clutch plate
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment
+ System of onboard diagnostics

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Replacement of brake fluid


Necessary special tool: A cap key of 10 mm for an otvorachivaniye of the union of pumping of brakes.

Brake fluid through a time of brake hoses and through an air vent of the tank of liquid soaks up air in system. Thereof the boiling point of brake fluid in use goes down. At big brake effort it can lead to production of steam in brake pipelines that significantly reduces efficiency of action of brakes.

Brake fluid has to be replaced each two years, it is recommended to do it in the spring.

During the work with brake fluid it is necessary to observe security measures, address the Section Brake fluid.


1. Suck away brake fluid from the tank to the level of 10 mm.

Completely do not suck away liquid from the tank that air did not get to system.

2. Fill in in the tank new brake fluid to the mark Max.
3. Put on a pure hose the union of pumping of the right back support and substitute capacity.

4. Ask the assistant to press several times a brake pedal so that counter-pressure was felt. Holding a pedal pressed, cap key (1) unscrew the union of pumping and produce liquid through a transparent hose. Close the union when the pedal concerns a floor. Release a pedal. Address an accompanying illustration. Repeat this process so many time (about 10 times) how many it is necessary that from system new liquid went. New liquid can be recognized by lighter color.

5. Close the union. Fill the tank with new brake fluid.
6. Similarly extort liquid from other supports. The sequence is following:
   1 - back right;
   2 - back left;
   3 - forward right;
  4 - forward left.

The following brake fluid has to be pure and not contain vials of air.

7. Similarly replace brake fluid in a coupling hydraulic system.

8. Remove air from coupling, address the Section Removal, installation and check of coupling.
9. The fulfilled brake fluid needs to be handed over in special collection point.

Brake fluid should not get to capacities for drinking water at all. It is necessary to exclude contact of children with brake fluid. Danger of poisoning!