Check of the electric motor of a screen wiper
The electric motor of a screen wiper is in the tank under a windshield. For check of the electric motor it is necessary to uncover the tank.
Designation of plugs
Plugs on electric motors have the following designations: The plug 31, connection of weight (the general designation of weight in the car) b) The plug 53 checks tension of the first speed of a screen wiper. c) The plug 53 and gives tension (+) for the final provision of a screen wiper. The electric motor receives tension through mobile contact until the cleaner does not reach situation after switching off by the driver of a cleaner. d) The plug of 53 b gives tension for the second speed of a cleaner. e) The plug 53 е provides braking of the electric motor at return after shutdown that the cleaner did not run out through position of the parking.
It is previously necessary to find out where malfunction in the electric motor or giving of food.
1. Rasstykuyte shtekerny connection of the electric motor. 2. Give two auxiliary wires tension (+) and (-) from the rechargeable battery to the screen wiper electric motor: One wire from the positive plug of the rechargeable battery to the plug 53 or 53 b. b) Other wire from the negative plug of the rechargeable battery to the plug of 31 electric motors of a screen wiper. 3. Now the electric motor depending on connection has to work at the first or second step. If the electric motor does not work, electric motor or the corresponding step is faulty. Remove the electric motor, address the Section Removal and installation of the electric motor of a screen wiper. |