BMW 5 Series E39

since 1996-2001 release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Introduction
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   Care of a body
   Care of the finishing panels manufactured of vinyl
   Care of an upholstery and rugs of salon
   Repair of insignificant damages of body panels
   Repair of considerable damages of a body
   Body gaps
   Removal and installation of a front bumper
   Removal and installation of shock-absorbers of a front bumper
   Removal and installation of a rear bumper
   Removal and installation of the shock-absorber of a rear bumper
   Removal and installation of a forward wing
   Removal and installation of a cowl
   Adjustment of provision of a cowl
   Removal and installation of a trunk lid
   Adjustment of provision of a trunk lid
   Removal and installation of back facing of a luggage carrier
   Removal and installation of the lock of a cover of the luggage carrier/cylinder of the lock
   Removal and installation of a gas-filled emphasis of a cowl/trunk lid
   Replacement of a slip/company inscription
   Removal, installation and adjustment of a door
   Removal and installation of facing of a door
   Removal and installation of the door lock
   Removal and installation of the external handle of a door
   Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock
   Removal and installation of the electric motor/microswitch of the uniform lock
   Removal, installation and adjustment of door glass
   Removal and installation of the power window
   Removal and installation of an external mirror
   Removal and installation of glass of a mirror
   Removal and installation of the case of an external mirror
   Removal and installation of an internal mirror
   Removal and installation of the central console
   Removal and installation of the electric motor of the movable panel of the hatch of a roof
   Removal and installation of a front seat
   Seat belt tension device
   Security measures at the handling of the belt tension device
   Protection of the device of a tension of a belt
   Removal and installation of a back seat
   Removal and installation of the shelf under a headdress
   Removal and installation of blinds of back glass
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment
+ System of onboard diagnostics

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Repair of considerable damages of a body

Repair of serious damages of a body has to be made in the conditions of specialized auto repair shop at the disposal of which there is a necessary equipment.

Whether in case of extensive damages of a body first of all it is necessary to be convinced there were no shifts of elements of the panels capable to affect controllability of the car or to be the reason of the increased wear any of its components.

In view of the fact that the majority of elements of a body (cowl, wings, etc.) is represented by separate components which replacement can be made in an individual order, their replacement in case of serious damage it is not represented expedient. More often much more reasonably and more economic it appears to find a suitable replaceable element which can be found not only in shops of auto parts, but also on automobile dumps that, naturally, allows to cut down expenses significantly.