BMW E39 + Introduction + Maintenance instruction + Current leaving and service - Engine + Procedures of repair of the engine - Engine lubrication system Scheme of a contour of circulation of oil Check of pressure of oil Removal and installation of the pallet of a case Removal, installation and check of the oil pump + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment + System of onboard diagnostics
Removal, installation and check of the oil pump
Models 520i, 523i, 528i (M52 engine)
| For check of operation of the vacuum valve it is enough to remove the case pallet previously. The oil pump can be not removed. |
1. Remove the case pallet, address the Section Removal and installation of the pallet of a case. |
2. Turn off a nut and remove an asterisk of the drive of the oil pump. At the same time weaken a natyazhitel of a chain. Address an accompanying illustration.
| The nut has the left carving. |
3. Turn off fastening bolts (arrows on an accompanying illustration) oil pump and remove it. Pay attention to two adjusting plugs necessary for the correct installation. |
4. Remove the case pallet down. |
1. If necessary disassemble the oil pump and clear it in the following order: Disconnect the soaking-up branch pipe, having turned off bolts (13), turn off bolts of fastening of a pump housing (5). Do not lose adjusting plugs (4). Address an accompanying illustration. 2. Check rotors (2) and (3) for wear and existence of zadir, if necessary replace them. Measure a radial gap between an external rotor and the case; axial gap of an internal rotor. Data are provided in Specifications. 3. Remove a lock ring (10) and remove the reducing valve, address an accompanying illustration. Measure length of not loaded spring, if necessary replace it. The required value is given in Specifications.
| The sealing ring (8) is surely replaced with new. Carefully insert the reducing valve, insert a lock ring. |
4. Fix the soaking-up branch pipe. The ledge on consolidation has to look towards the soaking-up box. 5. Oil all details motive. Slightly fix by the moment of 10 Nanometers a cover of the oil pump. |
1. Insert the oil pump, tighten bolts of fastening the moment of 20 Nanometers. For centering of the case of the oil pump there are two adjusting plugs. Establish an asterisk with the put-on chain and tighten a nut (left carving) moment of 25 Nanometers. Establish a natyazhitel if he was removed. 2. Fix the case pallet, address the Section Removal and installation of the pallet of a case.